Water Street Waffle Company - See Belton

Water Street Waffle Company

Water Street Waffle Company
Address: 107 Water Street,Belton 76513,Texas
  • Business Details
  • Opening hours

We are in a lovely re-purposed 19th century building in downtown Belton. From the moment you walk in you will be greeted by the sweet aromas of coffee, liege waffles and a host of freshly prepared items. We take the time to prepare for your arrival with home-made sausages, fresh-squeezed juices and a delicious array of choice waffle creations and lunch items. We serve beer, mimosas, cocktails, and drip coffees in a lovely rustic setting that sets the mood for food.

In our quest for the best ingredients from local area vendors we make sure our selections are complimented perfectly. We offer items such as Vermont Syrup, cage-free eggs, fried green tomatoes, bourbon bacon, and our own home-made chicken sausage. 


Food and Drink
Business location has not been defined
Opening hours
GMT -11:00
07:00 AM - 03:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 03:00 PM

About Belton

Located deep in the heart of Texas, Belton is a unique city with friendly people and a rich history. Founded in 1850, Belton is located along the famous Chisholm Trail.  Belton’s location also puts it squarely in the middle of natural wonders, shopping, and entertainment.

PO Box 120
333 Water St.
Belton, TX 76513
Phone: 254.933.5849
Email: info@beltontexas.gov

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